Why 100% of our profits go to kill cancer???

Some of you might not know, but that from now on, we are donating 100% of all of our profits to KILL cancer.

Why are you doing this you guys might be wondering?

Because we have been affected by Cancer, like most of you have been too Our dad came down with cancer multiple times, and eventually taking his life in January of 2017 So we know what pain feels like. We know how cancer affects families. We know the aftermath of how a loss of a loved one feels like.

We feel what you have gone through in the past, in the present, or possibly haven’t gone through an event like this. But guess what? We went through it at the age of 12 and 14 years old. So if we can do it, you can do it.

So that’s our why. That is why we are donating 100% of all our profits to KILL cancer.

So we need your help, on our mission to “Kick the fake food to the curb”, and help us KILL cancer!


Want to give back to your school or any organization that you are in favor of??? Brothers Nuts is the way to go! Brothers Nuts would love to be the host of your next fundraiser. 30% of all sales would go back to you, at the same time you are providing some of the healthiest snacks on the planet to people all over the world! Please send us an email to sales@brothersnuts.com to get more information about your next fundraiser.


Go nuts for your cause! with… Brothers Nuts!!! There are three unique ways you can use Brothers Nuts to have your fundraiser thrive with health and sales! The first method is we can supply an order form, just like the traditional method, which would be a form for each person in the fundraiser to fill out when they receive an order. The second way is to buy a large quantity of bags for your fundraiser, and then to receive a case discount. The third way is to have an online team/group promo code to use that will keep track of the orders that come through. Now it’s your turn! Pick the method that works best for your organization to start ‘Evolving the way people snack!’